After wetting the window, pull the backing off of the fixed stick window film. If you're film is small in size, then you can totally eliminate it from the backing. Nevertheless, for big prints, it is suggested that you peel the top part off and gradually eliminate it as you install the window film.

Editing. For post modifying, digital is easy to do as there are a great deal of image editors out there made for editing pictures. You can modify the images as lot of times as you desire as long as you retain the raw file. Just in case you make mistakes, it will be simple to do all of it over once again. In film however is reliant on during taking photos. You can not fine-tune the image throughout printing since the majority of labs use default settings, unless you have your own darkroom and do the modifying there.
If your film is really intriguing and gets lots of hits, you could get some interest from studios or distributors, specifically if you send them a link to your film.
Quick Idea: Usage Casting of your skill as part of the story. Work with (or obtain) a small theatrical location for a few hours. Welcome the reporter along to see a few of the talent auditioning. Get some friends around so that the audition queue seems longer than it is, and take some stills of the hectic audition space - enable them to speak with some of those auditioning who are likely to be on your short-list. Advertise (through an advertisement in the regional paper/ facebook/ twitter/onefatcigar) the audition to get more individuals along. Right away your low budget movie has budding stars demanding to be in it, and the reporter has another angle to their story.
Storage. Regarding storage, film is harder to save. You need to believe how you will protect the negatives without lessening its quality. It will be harder to duplicate the printed images for duplicates when you lose your negatives, otherwise you will need a conservator for it. Whereas the digital video camera's output is immediately saved in SD cards. Then you can back it up in your computer, cd, or other hard disks without changing its properties and quality. In the long run, film can fade, while digital will never alter.
You're motion picture making fire is now lit and you're prepared to roll. You're no longer going to be a skilled potential filmmaker. You will be a filmmaker doer. Each motion picture project is various, however here are few thoughts that may assist hone you're movie production. This film studios isn't for aiming filmmakers that wish to compose a movie script that requires a million dollar budget plan.
If you ever wish to remove it, don't fret. The elimination is even simpler than the setup. Simply raise a corner with your finger nail, and peel the movie off diagonally throughout the window. That's it.